Tips for cleaning a rental property
By |Published On: 12th March 2022|

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Tips for cleaning a rental property

By |Published On: 12th March 2022|
cleaning a rental property

Whether you are between tenants or looking to give your current ones some helpful advice, cleaning a rental property can be a big task. Deep cleaning your property between tenancies might also help you spot any maintenance issues that need addressing.

Our tips for cleaning a rental property aim to help make it more manageable!

1. Make one big clean into smaller jobs

Divide the entire task into more manageable ones by making a list of each room and what needs cleaning. This can also allow you to plan in breaks more easily.

2. Use a cleaning checklist

A ready-made checklist list can save you time when it comes to organisation. Ticking off rooms or individual jobs as you go can help you to track progress.

3. Close the door to each room as you go

This is another tip to help track your progress and make the job feel more manageable. Start by opening the doors to every room, then close them again when you’ve finished cleaning in each one.

4. Use items in the kitchen as cleaning products

If you find yourself running low on supplies, save yourself from having to run to the shops and take a look in your cupboards. However, be sure to check what substances can be used on certain surfaces without damaging them.

The combination of baking soda, which is a mild alkaline and slightly abrasive, and white vinegar, which is acidic, can help to remove grime and deodorise surfaces. You might find this a useful combination for cleaning a fridge, a sink, or pots and pans.

The acid in lemons can be used for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Whether it’s fresh or bottled juice, it can be added to your homemade supplies.

5. Dish soap might be all you need for cleaning some areas

Forget the bottles of chemicals with fancy labels that promise miracles, sometimes simple dish soap works just as well. Add it to some warm water for removing grime from floors, walls and surfaces.

6. Toothbrushes make good cleaning tools

Consider keeping an old toothbrush for cleaning hard-to-reach areas and removing stubborn limescale from taps. However, be careful not to use too much pressure when cleaning areas such as enamel baths.

7. Rubber bristled brushes are great for pet hair

If you’re looking to remove pet hair from a carpet or fabric furniture, a rubber bristled brush works well. It gathers together all of the hairs, which you can then remove more easily with a vacuum cleaner.

8. Protect your property from accidental and malicious damage

Consider taking out suitable insurance in case you find a tenant has damaged your property. It may help with the cost of repairing the damage or replacing broken items. Our Landlord Insurance includes cover for accidental damage and malicious damage caused by tenants as standard. You can read our policy wording on our product page for more information.

Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this article is to provide guidance on the issues covered. This article is not intended to give legal advice, and, accordingly, it should not be relied upon. It should not be regarded as a comprehensive statement of the law and/or market practice in this area. We make no claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein or in the links which were live at the date of publication. You should not act upon (or should refrain from acting upon) information in this publication without first seeking specific legal and/or specialist advice. Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited trading as Just Landlords accepts no liability for any inaccuracy, omission or mistake in this publication, nor will we be responsible for any loss which may be suffered as a result of any person relying on the information contained herein.

Review date 26/04/2023 NR

About the Author: Em Morley

Em is the Content Marketing Manager for Just Landlords, with over five years of experience writing for insurance and property websites. Together with the knowledge and expertise of the Just Landlords underwriting team, Em aims to provide those in the property industry with helpful resources. When she’s not at her computer researching and writing property and insurance guides, you’ll find her exploring the British countryside, searching for geocaches.

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