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Letting Agents can Support Landlords in Staying Up to Date with Legislation
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

Landlords should remember how important letting agents can be in supporting them to stay up to date with ever changing legislation in the private rental sector, haart estate agent insists.
At a time when landlords are being bombarded with regulatory changes that could affect their buy-to-let businesses, they are being reminded to ensure that they are clear on the rules.
With a range of new legislation to comply with, from the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Actto the Tenant Fees Bill, landlords must be up to date with changes in the private rental sector, which is becoming more regulated, especially as a new housing complaints service is due for introduction.
The Communities Secretary, James Brokenshire MP, announced plans last month for a new Housing Complaints Resolution Service, which would legally require private landlords to become members of a redress scheme, as part of wider efforts to protect tenants.
Paul Sloan, the Operations Director at haart, says: “For many landlords, it is difficult to keep up to date with new regulations that seem to bombard the private rented sector every year.
“That’s entirely understandable. For many smaller landlords, in particular, being a landlord is not their full-time job – it’s a useful extra income.”
However, he insists: “But keeping up to date with the latest legislation is vital. That’s one reason why it can be good for your peace of mind – and even your pocket – to have your let professionally managed by a vigilant agent with an established track record.
“Many landlords think their lettings agents are most useful at the beginning and end of their let. In fact, things can change mid-let – not because of something that has happened at the property, but because of something that has happened in Parliament.”
We remind landlords of how essential letting agents can be in keeping you up to date with legislation changes.
We also offer free, useful guides on lettings law to help you understand your responsibilities: https://www.landlordnews.co.uk/guides/