This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Just as the curtain is coming down on this government’s stay in office, the Property Ombudsman has also announced that they are to stand down.
After nine years, Christopher Hamer will officially stand down on the 30th November 2015.
Property Ombudsman
The Property Ombudsman scheme, of which Hamer is currently head, is a government approved independent dispute resolution service aimed to aid consumers who are unable to resolve disputes amicably with agents or landlords.
As a result, the Ombudsman can provide redress to position the consumer in their original position before any complaints were made, achieving a full settlement of the dispute and all associated claims from either party.
‘I have been in the post for many years, have enjoyed it immensely and found working with all the various stakeholder organisations and individuals most rewarding,’ said Hamer in a statement. ‘I hope the next Property Obmudsman finds it as enjoyable and rewarding as I did and I would like to wish them the best of luck,’ he added. [1]