Peers Believe Landlords Should Not Face Jail over Right to RentBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T11:44:14+00:0018th January 2016|
Landlords and Agents Must Prepare for Right to Rent, Says Home OfficeBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T11:43:01+00:008th January 2016|
Right to Rent Could Mean Over 5m Immigration Checks for Landlords Every YearBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T11:42:44+00:007th January 2016|
Criminalisation of Landlords by Right to Rent Discussed in CommonsBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T11:32:31+00:002nd November 2015|
Landlords and Agents Must Evict Illegal Immigrant Tenants Within 28 DaysBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T11:20:27+00:0021st September 2015|
Landlord Eviction Plans Could Cause ViolenceBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T10:59:24+00:003rd August 2015|