Top ten plants to effortlessly brighten up your garden
By |Published On: 30th August 2019|

Home » Top ten plants to effortlessly brighten up your garden

Top ten plants to effortlessly brighten up your garden

By |Published On: 30th August 2019|
Top ten plants to effortlessly brighten up your garden

We’ve put together our top ten plants for the garden of your rental property – low maintenance and attractive can be great combinations!

1. Nigellas

Colours: White, pink, yellow, blue

Season: Summer

Why we love them: Once these flowers are done for the season, they will set seeds and grow again next year

2. Aquilegias

Colours: Red and yellow/blue and white

Seasons: Late spring/early summer

Why we love them: They look great potted or in a flowerbed and can survive most weather conditions

3. Marigolds

Colours: Commonly yellow/orange

Seasons: Spring, summer, fall

Why we love them: Marigolds are so vibrant, they’ll cheer up any garden!

4. Pansies

Colours: Purple, red, white, yellow, pink

Seasons: Fall and spring

Why we love them: They’re cheap and cheerful, making your budget go much further for a beautiful garden

5. Hydrangeas

Colours: Hydrangeas change colour, depending on the pH level of the soil. More acidic soil will get you blue ones, alkaline soil will give you pink blooms

Seasons: Mid-spring/summer

Why we love them: Hydrangea shrubs keep their colour long into the summer, keeping those warm vibes going as long as possible, before the colder weather sets in

top ten plants

6. Sweet peas

Colours: Various shades of blue, purple, red and white

Seasons: Late winter/early spring

Why we love them: They smell absolutely gorgeous! Your property is sure to leave a lasting impression when potential tenants leave a viewing with memories of a sweet-smelling garden

top ten plants

7. Cornflowers

Colours: Mostly blue, but they can also be found in white, red, pink and purple

Seasons: Late spring – autumn

Why we love them: They have the right balance between delicate and edgy, making them perfect for bringing in a younger audience to your let

top ten plants

8. Poppies

Colours: Commonly thought of as red, but can also be white, orange and yellow

Seasons: Summer

Why we love them: We picked up this tip from Gardeners’ World – they make for a perfect border in your flowerbeds

top ten plants

9. Pennisetum

Colours: There are a few varieties, largely found in shades of red and yellow

Seasons: Summer – autumn

Why we love it: Its fluffy texture brings a different mix to a garden. There are many different types, so you could plant a sea of varying colours for a mesmerising garden

top ten plants

10. Lavender

Colours: Purple

Seasons: Survives all-year-round but blooms late spring/summer

Why we love it: It smells amazing and has a variety of uses in the home, from potpourri to flavouring in cooking. In fact, why not plant a whole range of fragrant and delicious herbs? Your tenants will love this touch, and so will the bees!

We hope our top ten plants have provided you with plenty of inspiration for your own garden!

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in the above article are those of the author only and are for guidance purposes only. The author disclaims any liability for reliance upon those opinions and would encourage readers to rely upon more than one source before making a decision based on the information.

About the Author: Em Morley

Em is the Content Marketing Manager for Just Landlords, with over five years of experience writing for insurance and property websites. Together with the knowledge and expertise of the Just Landlords underwriting team, Em aims to provide those in the property industry with helpful resources. When she’s not at her computer researching and writing property and insurance guides, you’ll find her exploring the British countryside, searching for geocaches.

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